Northamptonshire Biodiversity Records Centre

Camera trap recording with the Northants Mammal web project

Authored by
NBRC Centre Manager
'Look out for...Mammals' Mammal Web Survey
'Look out for...Mammals' Mammal Web Survey

Camera traps have given us a new view of the shyer species living alongside us. Help Northants as a ‘trapper’ by uploading your footage and as a ‘spotter’ by reviewing footage and identifying the species for biological records. Work together in our ‘Look out for…mammals’ with Mammal Web. Protection starts with what we know.

We want to know what species your trail cameras are collecting in Northamptonshire. Set up to view 24 hour hours a day, this tool gathers images and videos that can capture a hidden world picking up mammals, birds, reptiles…and anything you point the lens at. As a ‘trapper’ by uploading your footage and images with location details you are part of this citizen science, monitoring biodiversity aided by ‘spotters’ to together create biological records that help us monitor our local state of  nature.

Have a look at our ‘How to…’ guide. I set this trap up in about 10 minutes in a slightly scrubby part of the garden, using an old plant tub I gave my camera trap some shelter and a bit of food to attract small visitors – making sure it was open for easy escape if needed. I'll be back in around a week to see who was caught on camera. This can be uploaded with location information to the Northamptonshire project and start it's time on Mammal Web.

Ensure you have landowner permissions. Please direct cameras towards wildlife areas and avoid places with lots of human activity (images will be removed from MammalWeb if flagged) and ensure you can legally collect and submit the images (images of a person is covered under GDPR as personal data).

Read the MammalWeb user guides, create a log in and head over to our project page:
