Northamptonshire Biodiversity Records Centre

Submit a sighting

If this is your first record submission, please read our quick guide to Using the NBRC Website to Submit Biological Records.

Please take care when collecting record evidence (such as photography) that you don't disturb or harm wildlife.  In particular 'sensitive' or protected species, such as bats, dormice, badgers and great crested newts, should be recorded at a distance unless you hold the relevant licences for these species.  It is preferable to blur your records of sensitive species, so that whilst they are accessible to the record centre they are not publically viewable at high resolution.  We advise this step to reduce the risk of environmental harm through public access to this data.  Sensitive species lists can be found on the National Biodiversity Network website.

If you would like to submit more than one sighting or plan to submit sightings on a regular basis, please create an account.  You will then be able to view, edit and download all your submitted records.

Please note that submitted records don't appear on the My Records and All Records pages straight away.  We would advise that you check these pages the following day.

Personal details

Please provide your first name


Please provide your surname


Please provide your email address. This will only be used to contact you if we require further information to verify the record.


Enter the date in dd/mm/yyyy format or select the date of the record.


Enter the recorder's name, if different


Enter the species name using * as a wildcard.


Provide an indication of the abundance


How certain of this identification are you?


Please indicate the sex of the organism, if recorded.


Please indicate the life stage of the organism, if recorded.


If anyone helped with the identification please enter their name here

Please add any additional information you think may be of interest


This is the precision that the record will be shown at for public viewing


Please provide the location name. This could be the name of a village, town, parish, nature reserve, wood etc. Do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Further details about where the sighting was within the main location, e.g. a road name, footpath, a compartment of a wood, or area of a nature reserve.


Or simply click on your rough position on the map.